Stephen Colbert .. Rename Mt. Everest, Mt. Colbert .. update 05.07.06

Stephen Colbert ..

Rename Mt. Everest, Mt. Colbert


Since the glittering date 4/29, The Press Dinner, I include all the angles of enchantment I’ve been cleaving in order to commend the brilliance of that spectacular comic jewel, Stephen Colbert, oh frabjous joy. I left Comments on various blogs & so4th. Not because my words are deathless, but because Colbert’s verve & nerve are deathless, and I wanted to figure out Modes of Adulation & Tribute which you can watch kaleidoscope along the way.


Note: If the video you find doesn’t begin with the 14 black bulletproof SUVs quip, you’re not seeing the whole event. You must find this first chunk. URLs below. This event has been chinaed (censured) almost immediately.


mon mobius,

  You’re still on the top of my list, cher Ub, but cheesh, barely.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> 

[04.29.06 <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />10:13:12 pm .. I emailed Comedy Central thru their FAQ page: I've been acutely watching and doing politics since JFK was murdered on my 19th birthday. I haven't seen any political act any braver than Stephen Colbert on 04-29, a date I'll treasure with awe and frisson.


Stephen put his Huevos Grandissimos & Eagle Stephen Jr's future on The Line at The Press Dinner 15.5 feet from The Decider. I was actually happy for the first time in 5 years¹. Whatever else Colbert does, he's done this with ffffin glory. It'll go down in Comic History with the Dead Parrot sketch, but muy braver. And to give Helen Thomas all those chops — hip hip daggone hurray! I am proud to carpe comedy on the same planet.]


   Ah, he was fabulously flaying. A comic hero. 15.5 feet from the Decider and he brought it on in the name of serious doses of Vitamin I, Irony to the max. Oh bbbblissss. Prezzie wasna pleased.

   This following is from the quantum vantage, not from our safe stolid daytime angle of penetration (cf a stick in a glass of water), sweets. The surprise was 5:45:57 sunday am, truthinessest reigned. A long, lovely seductive episode w/ Stephen Colbert, not carnal, but frank – truthinesspitudesque. He gave me a note with his ethermail address, saying letters were hopeless re delivery; there were a number of people signatory to a Kyoto-like pact of comedy. We were on a train-like conveyance & quipped it up. I told him that WhatHisName (Huevos Granderissimos) was my heart’s delight. Colbert & I bantered & it was trez relaxing & refreshing. Keep brave, keep strong, oh clowns. [There were a number of very close-ups & our frankness was what was charming. Not much coy.]

  The Press Dinner as it deserves to be dubbed in a parallel of future fame with The Last Supper was a watershed in Comic, & Global history.

   Compare the tepidity of Jon Stewart’s Oscar gig. Stephen was All Balls. [All Ball was the name of  Koko, the signing ape’s first kitten, not a sequitur.]

   At least, my dear one, I have taste in my cosmic dalliances.

   //Palace of Dreaming, Taj Mahal of Dreaming. News is delivered in the Comic Dimension in holopackages.

   IPO – Initial Psychic Offering of RTR – Ridicule the Right. The Press Dinner was the (public) Comic Event of the Century.


///Back to k1, the daily round & round. I’ve been trying to find an url of the video of The Press Dinner for you but I can’t find anything that has the whole gig on it. Darn crooksandliars only has the 2nd half which Ought Not be seen without the yet more impaling first half. Luckily I do have it all on tape & want you to see it asap.


¹That was about political happiness. Everyone of our silly palavers has made me unaccountably happy, ratpig. I just wish your ear wasn’t so disgusting. Have you thought of doing a Van Gogh? I bet he just chopped off his more disgusting ear for the sake of art.


5-6-06 12:07:42 pm

on huff post/Craig Crawford;

   Ahh, a ShootOut at the Not-OK Corral and Colbert wipes out all the villains.

   I've renamed Mt. Everest, Mt. Colbert. There is no honor I can imagine that would actually suffice to laud the brilliance and balls of Stephen Colbert with WMI (Weapons of Mass Irony) strapped to his chest on 4/29. a date I'm having tattooed on my forehead this afternoon.

   The Press Dinner (cf The Last Supper)was as courageous a public act of political courage as I have ever seen. Deft and daft, oh huevos-hero Stephen.  I tug my forelock five times a day.



5-6-06 11:55:40 am on Seattle Post Intelligencer


I've renamed Mt. Everest, Mt. Colbert. There is no honor huge, wide, shiny enough to laud El Colbert de los Huevos. Hallelujah.



on The truthiness hurts, Michael Scherer

 Carpe Comedy. JFK was murdered on my 19th birthday. It's taken a lot of Vitamin I (Vitamin Irony) to get me through the following decades with dogged optimism intact. I have felt my fingers slipping off the edge of the Cliff of Despair, however, these last five years.


Watching The Press Dinner on 4/29, I felt Ultimate Hope resurge — a cosmicomic pole shift as if the planet's very magnetic field had flipped. In insufficient tribute, I renamed the constellation Orion, Colbertionand Mt. Everest, Mt. Colbert.


I was so unreasonably happy to see Colbert dare the mesquite fuelled car, standing on things (aircraft carriers, rubble, recently flooded city squares), and the stop-lossed, pundit-show-hardened generals on banks of computers sending young men into battle that I all but spontaneously combusted into fireworks of glee in my living room.


His mad comic courage ignited my heart again. I tug my forelock five times a day while somersaulting. 



5-4-06 2:55:13 am on Thank You Mr. Colbert #42402-ish;

The only folks not in awe of Mr. Colbert's frabjous performance right in the BeastBelly are those severely deficient in Vitamin Irony. 'A mesquite powered car?' 'Not just standing for things, but on things — aircraft carriers, rubble, recently flooded city squares.'


The cosmicomic gods were hugging themselves with glee and pride that Someone Had the Huevos to Speak Up in this country which, forlornly, harrumphs about free speech more than practices it.


Carpe Comedy. I rename Mt. Everest, Mt. Colbert.  



5-4-06 2:44:32 am/on Salon, Lou Dobbs, Stephen Colbert and the myth of the liberal media

There aren't enough honors to lavish upon zetta-intrepid heroissimo, Mr. Colbert. I have re-named the constellation Orion, Colbertion. Check out your globe to notice that Mt. Everest is now Mt. Colbert.


To drastically speak out in the BellyOfTheBeast is a fantastically brave act. If you didn't get how obsidianally funny, scathing, flaying he was, you need direly to up your doses of Vitamin I (Vitamin Irony).


I tug my forelock five times a day. 



5-2-06 1:58:41 am/on sfgate, Morford,


In the IPO (Initial Psychic Offering) of RTR (Ridicule the Republicans), Stephen Colbert is the lifetime CEO. It doesn't matter what he has ever done before or what he goes on to do. This was the Gettysburg-Address-Equivalent of Eternal Fame and of Constellation-Worthy guts in the BeastBelly. And he gets oakleaf clusters on that Constellation. (Orion was overdue for re-branding anyhow: Colbertion [Coal-bear-eye-awn]).


I tug my forelock in comic fealty. I watched in the first complete joy I've felt in five dread-rising years. I felt that gruelest of emotions: hope.


It was so slicingly incisive that I'm not sure Mr. Bush got at first how deftly he was being flayed then filleted. Oh frabjous joy.


The coward press was too timid or tepid to rise up in roaring acclaim, but I will now tug my forelock five times a day facing East. The combination of art and guts, of ingenuity and staying in character in the face of a firing squad of scorn was so beautiful and brilliant that I am so happy to join the Legions of Colbert's Love Slaves. Before I saw this happen, I could not have imagined that it could. Like seeing the Northern Lights for the first time. And to give all those delicious chops to the hideously disrespected, doughty Helen Thomas was a cherry on the cake of fractal entendre.  


Oh Colbert, thou art rare. Carpe comedy in deed.  



on jesse kornbluth on huff post

4.29 is a date emblazoned in my comic heart. When I saw the Greatest and Most Daring All Balls Comic Performance of my Lifetime. 15.5 feet from The Decider and the coward press too serf-esque to dare applaud with the loud screaming of raw joy they owed this courageous man. I hugged the television and thanked my Lucky Stars I had taped The Press Dinner so I can watch it over and over until the tape wears thin.


I've had BlackAdder & Basil Fawlty, but THIS mattered in history, right in the face of dictatorial power. It was a tour de force and a tour de farce. Stephen Colbert, I tug my forelock. Carpe comedy in deed.



on Daou 4-30-06 9:12:28 pm

Late Sunday afternoon Pacific Time on 04.30.06, to my tremble & horror, I was watching the end of the Two Bushes bit at The Dinner waiting to re-see Stephen for the 3rd time. CSPAN, yes CSPAN discontinued airing The Dinner after the Bush stuff, just before Stephen would have come on. I went hot & cold with marrow trepidation. They got to CSPAN this quick?


I've been acutely watching and doing politics since JFK was murdered on my 19th birthday. I haven't seen any political act any braver than Stephen Colbert on 04-29, a date I'll treasure with awe and frisson.


Stephen put his Huevos Grandissimos & Eagle Stephen Jr's future on The Line at The Dinner 15.5 feet from The Decider. I was actually happy for the first time in 5 years. Whatever else Colbert does, he's done this with ffffin glory. It'll go down in Comic History with the Dead Parrot sketch, but muy braver. And to give Helen Thomas all those chops — hip hip daggone hurray! I am proud to carpe comedy on the same planet.


5-7-06 2:47:42 am to a friend email;

Colbert's 'normal' stuff is fab, but this ShootOut at the Not-OK Corral was sursurreal weightlessness in orbit after practicing in terrestrial swimming pools. I can't imagine in history the Stars conspring to have The ffffin Dictator forced to listen to 23:48 minutes of his megalomaniacal ego being de-inflated, the sweet hiss of escaping air, oh my. One comic got one chance — clearly they'll never invite an Edgy again —  and he shot every curare-tipped arrow from all our quivers. This wasn't Colbert, this was surColbert. This wasn't a fine tv show, this was History. 



Video Links 23:48 minutes

I don't know how long this will stay available but as of 2:06am, 05.05.06, the first 16m 38s start with the 14 black bullet proof SUVs!! thru the whole monologue in the simple Windows media that everyone can use. Then for the press secretary audition skit, the ABC camera isos just Prezzie, interesting in its own way if you know the video.

Someone else suggested that the line in Hamlet was giga-apt: “The play's the thing Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King.”
The Video of the actual press audition skit is at
The skit begins about 7m06s into that segment. (Also Windows Media)
There may be a more elegant way to get all this in one go, but for immediately, this'll get the Huevos rolling. 


image from google images,, show, stephen_colbert


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the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


4 thoughts on “Stephen Colbert .. Rename Mt. Everest, Mt. Colbert .. update 05.07.06

  1. Thank you for giving a standing ovation to Stephen Colbert! I didn't think there were any words enough for it, but you've come closer than anyone else.

  2. Remember the Colbert!
    I see all of history as leading to that 23:48 when a comic dared it for us all.

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