Quantum Optics & the Great AhaHa! .. a newer, funnier physics . .

Note: please check pogblog’s Glossary for coined (invented) or unfamiliar words, tho for this article, there is a quick glossary below.  If you read this material with your mouth, as if out loud, it will be clear as a bell.

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Quantum Optics & the Great AhaHa!

part 1 .. otter around in the utter .. a newer, funnier physics


     The Nobel Physics Prize people are sweet, but antique in their visions and versions. One of the recipients of the Nobel Prize for ultraviolet laser short-pulse-light study , Dr.Theodor Hänsch of Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Garching, Germany and a professor at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, says, “Eventually, we may be able to enjoy 3-D holographic movies.”

    Eventually, like last night?

    Oh, oh, oh, these pesky physics prof lads are so behind zee times, golly. Our brains do the 3D holographic movies we call dreams every night, physics doods.

     Holographic, holoaudic, hologusto, holoolfact, holokino – holosentido — movies around in which we walk every night. Nobel Prize that, profs. Put on your dreaming caps and do the pioneering study on the semi-permeable filter that separates the actuality planes so niftily for us and which we call the brain, de hersenen, le cerveau, el cerebro. Those photonic physics punks called artists and shamans otter around in the utter (study the exotic physics of  iziz, all-of-it) with considerable skill. Now we all need to get our terms of engagement more intratranslatable.

     The first of the 9 Gandhi-King Steps to nonviolence & to collaboration is to Define the Conflict. Peeps are often fighting about totally different stuff. You think we’re fighting about money; I think we’re fighting about whether you care about me vividly enough. So we need a rapprochement between repeatable science and photonic science.

    To be blunt, mon amigoas, what we’re doing ain’t working so good for millions of fellow sentients on our Planet Home. Planet Home could be a garden if we turned militarism to educationism, from lead to gold indeed. But the meta-physics matters – the what we allow to be really real – to count  

   The scientists have got to belly up to the UniekBar, the Unrepeatable Bar, the thrilling and chilling realization that because Eternity is so long or vast, only the unique can in fact actually exist, tho there are bands of areas where the similarities work as repeatable for all macro-practical purposes. Scientists already know this but it’s awkward doctrinally when “repeat the experiment’ is like ‘Jesus is the only way to Heaven,’ not true but theo-bolstering to the exclusivity of one’s views.

     So there needs to be more truth in advertising from the scientists, and some more occasional semi-sobriety from the mystery-surprise-drunk photonikists who need to be better journalists of the otter-in-the-utter experiences and quit being boors and borrachos to the dear scientists who just rightly wanted to cool down the chaos from their own fundamentalist-religions-ridden era, cerca 16th c.

    Ole Plato had the quintessentially useful construct: the charioteer. You are the charioteer and your chariot is drawn by the white horse of reason and the black horse of passion – and if you do not get them pulling together, you just go around in a circle, one way or the other. Both horses being dappled is the eventual burbanked hybrid solution. Integrate lucid waking & lucid dreaming, the two sides of the brain, all the false dichotomies that keep us blindered if not blinded to the holospheric and presently vertiginous truth. There’s no way out of the reality sea, you might as well swim. Sulking only curdles the blood.

    Some general advice – the scientists need to burn their neckties and only do science in hawaiian shirts and Bermudas, and the photonikists need to quit always wandering around in their not recently washed boxer shorts idly itching their gonads – or the female fashion equivalents. There is peace possible in this Valley of Earthly Delights if we each have to learn a good deal about the language of reality with which we’re uncomfortable and less fluent. Multi-lingual, lasses & lads, that’s our figging salvation – more physixes, more ecumenical.

     And we have to with our eyeballs bleeding with misgivings and raw hope make the photonic leap to grokking that our real security is not in militarism but in educationism. We need to teach people to build and invent, not kill. It’s the future, il futuro, de toekomst, zukunft, le jour suivant.




If you know an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of rage for reality, rage for peace material, please let me know at .. pogblog@yahoo.com


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Quick glossary.. holosentido – the inhabited senses, the senses we can dwell in & not just view from outside like tv. Our earth experience is holoV, a holograph in which we dwell, except that it includes all the senses, not just seeing. Auditory/hearing; gustatory/tasting; olfactory/smelling; kinesthetic/feeling; Therefore holosentido includes holographic, holoaudic, hologusto, holoolfact, holokino. /// link to the 9 Gandhi-King Principles of Pro-Peace Collaboration; /// grok = deeply understand, drink in understanding; /// photonic physics &c = the post-quantum physics where the physixes of  all our experiences are integrated. /// borrachos = drunkards; /// Uniek = unique in Dutch; I like the polyglot or many-tongues feel – it makes me less parochial or narrowly local; /// peeps is affectionate slang for people; /// amigoas like felinoas sapiens is trying to balance up the gender wrongs embedded in the language; It’s not ideal, but it’s a start; /// Iz Iz, iziz,  cf Is Is .. the only completely true thing you can say; /// the future, il futuro, de toekomst, zukunft, le jour suivant – all of them mean future, except ‘le jour suivant’ in French literally means ‘the day which follows.’ /// dichotomies are divisions into two; /// burbanked is a tip of the sombrero to Luther Burbank who was the wizard of hybrids and who talked some roses out of their thorns, for instance.


Check pogblog’s Glossary for brave & nefarious words.

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6 thoughts on “Quantum Optics & the Great AhaHa! .. a newer, funnier physics . .

  1. I've often wondered what pioneers in thinking like you feel in your night while most of the rest of us sleep? Is it vertigo?
    Once the settlers come and the pumas and the panthers are driven further West, we settled forget the scouts like you who took it more raw and wild. That you can induce this ferocious photonic energy down a wire so that it illuminates the future for us touches me. I would be afraid of the loneliness on the frontier. Especially this strange protean one where the ballast has to be trickily and randomly re-gyroed in patterns not even as predictable as the weather. That you live through it would be enough to aid courage but with such grace adds an element of hope that I carry like a lightning bug in my mind's eye, a nearer star.

  2. You get your futur-legs like getting your sea legs, so it isn't vertigo. The biggest trick is the difference in speeds. You know how when you drive 70mph on the freeway & you get off on the exit and suddenly you are on surface streets and you have to adjust to not zooming along? It's that kind of re-orientation.
    It's important for me to say that I am completely not special — I'm just well trained.
    Shortly — within a few decades or sooner, my guess — we'll all get more accustomed to juggling more energies. We'll teach it in school eventually, and just like we have sport athletes, we'll have people adept at energy & time surfing. Once we get past the militarism dinosaur, and believe it or not, we do, it is all fun and much niftier.
    Just start imagining yourself coming back to visit from Y3000. That's a key.

  3. I dunno. Real scientists never seem to be a bunch of guys in lab coats with thick glasses. They tend to be pretty goofy like your photonic scientists.
    Now, what some people call science and research. That's another matter. The theo-fascists fwiw seem to be against actual science.
    very straight scientists often talk about things like energy and time surfing.

  4. People could actually chew gum & walk at the same time. Just as I discussed in Evil Ain't Always Bad, it's a matter of remaining rock-solid clear about where you're applying which semi-certainty.
    What I'll call normo-science for the narrow-end of the telescope folks is still too theologically defined to accommodate and accumulate excellent and may I add delicious knowledge about the Whole Darn Sh'BigBang.
    I'm all for putting a thermometer in the ocean diligently decade after decade and carefully reading the records in the rocks to see if we have global warming because figging Arnold has to have 8 humvees, a capital punishment offense if there ever would be one.
    I guess in general, I find myself more ecumenical and eclectic re realitys inclusion, and find that that allows you to look outside your own fiercely protected box for Missing Pieces of the Puzzles. MPOP .. M-P-O-P — Missing Pieces of Puzzles.
    I see them all as languages — science, religion, law, politics, corporatism, art, militarism, pacifism, grocery store sales evaluation, culinary skills, whatever. We can be infini-lingual. We only use 10% of our brains & that's the smart people.
    Learning any new language only takes the willingness to be back in kindergarten in that particular realm for a while. Huge dollops of self-humor and the temporary exile of one's bossy & frequently hypercritical Inner Perfectionist to Fiji are useful.

  5. Nothing can amaze me anymore, but I find your thinking/writing so close to what I am trying to say elsewhere that I can't help being astounded (struck stone-duad) I wrote elsewhere (Unilang) that it is time to dissolve artificial barriers between languages because we all speak that one pre-Babel divine tongue.

  6. I am obviously a devotee of word languages — it is interesting that a sunset is more beautyfull after you've learned to read poetry — words are like a spice perhaps, they add piquancy to experiences. Poetry changes the synapses. Like pouring cognac straight into the brain. Fire and pagan dancing.
    But I am also a holographer and the living language in which we dwell should be taught to us as a language — therein lies reverence and living prayer unfiltered by the priests or gurus or imams etc.
    I find standard religions one of the most resistent “artificial barriers” to the raw wild glee of electric participation in the holograph or living languages of day and of night. (Electric here can be very quiet too — but bloody unfiltered.)

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