#2 Quicksilver Quips, Tidbits, Obsidians, Halcyons 091105

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#2 QuQuTiObsHa


#2 Quicksilver Quips, Tidbits, Obsidians, Halcyons 09.11.05


<^> My friend Rosiland dropped off the first Militant Pacifist teeshirt on the planet as far as I know. Her friend Judy designed it for me. I am so stoked. The Militant is white letters on a red background stripe. The Pacifist is pale blue on a dark blue background stripe and the pair is tipped at about a 30 degree angle. It is completely cool. I plan to wear it 24 hours a day forever.

    Why Militant Pacifist?  Well, I’m sick of people thinking of pacifist as being weak when with two moments of reflection, it is a much stronger and braver position than adolescent flailing in bullying violence. And it’s time to fiercely mean the abolition of war.

    At the Mountain View Art & Wine Festival I was told again by an officious volunteer that, as I was walking quietly with my teach peace sign, I had to “go to the Free Speech Area.” Pfffft. ‘<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />America is a free speech area. Because of the 1980 United States Supreme Pruneyard court decision, I have the right to protest in a place to which the public is generally invited. I don’t have to go to a holding pen. I’ve already been through this with the chief of police.’

    When a volunteer next to her was very rude for no reason, I snapped at him. His girlfriend said simperingly, “I thought you were for teaching peace.”

    Pfffttt. I’m not for teaching nice. (See Put an IcePick in Nice for the full lowdown on this.) I care about the abolition of deliberate death and mutilation, not about hallmark cards, better manners, and norman rockwell. I’m not against manners, but I’m not willing to live in a gutter to defend them.


<^> The $200,000 per second spent in Iraq figure is a wonderful meme. Meme ..  (pronounced meem; rhymes with moonbeam.) A meme is the idea equivalent of a gene or virus; it’s an idea (good or offal) that spreads around the world; e.g. “the world is round.” For a long time, the prevailing stench was that the world was flat. Then the meme of the world being round infected the general understanding. I’m not sure it exactly fits in with meme – I never thought about it til this very moment, but that picture of the planet from space had meme qualities; also that horrific picture of the napalmed little girl as if a sane species could drop jellied gasoline on people. ¶ The one concept I want to have be a world-sweeping meme is the idea of 2ThenAdopt. Now the world population is 6,446,038,867. Please every-sparrow-fall recall that one billion is 1000 million. Projected in 45 years about 9 billion bodies breathing &c. It’s absurd, friend, it’s obscene — we can’t take care of all these people.

     Our good will and lessening prejudices and ignorances keep getting tsunamied by a population running amuck. If the notion of 2ThenAdopt could spread, then people could have whatever sized families they wanted or could afford, but we could stop flooding away all the progress by holding the biology at a standstill, behind a dam of good sense until the social systems could catch up. 2ThenAdopt.

   The more people you ask, “Did you know that we are spending $200,000 per minute in Iraq?” – the more people can be disgusted by the waste of human and financial resources in this benighted war. Disgust can lead to action finally. (The real figure is more like $416,000 per minute, but I use the $200,000 per minute as a figure that no one can argue with. See the Math, sources, and more detail.) This way we can spread the $200,000 per minute meme and accelerate the process of Declaring Victory & Coming Home – the true support of our troops – wanting to save their lives from  death or mutilation.

    Beat the drum. Tell one friend or colleague. No one believes it. They shake their heads and say, “Really?”


     <^> “No Mardi Gras,” sez the sursurd and vile and vapid Rev. Shanker. ‘It was God’s magnificent mercy that wiped out the City of Sin and Mardi Gras.’

     Me, I say, Mardi Gras? Why not Lundi Gras, Mercredi Gras,  Jeudi Gras, Vendredi Gras , Samedi Gras, Dimanche Gras? Fat Tuesday, Fat Monday, Fat Everyday. All days Yippee & Yummy. God forfend we have fun, I suppose. Pffffttt, I say to these Reapers of Grim.




If you know an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of rage for justice, rage for peace material, please let me know at .. pogblog@yahoo.com


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11 Wind . Ik . Whirlwind . North . tzol 102  09.11.05 sun

ffwofw 736§8769§24d7h47m33s1068§1895


the pro-peace world begins today with you


2 thoughts on “#2 Quicksilver Quips, Tidbits, Obsidians, Halcyons 091105

  1. I vote for Fat Everydays too.
    I long for Barbara Bush to have to spend some nights on a 2 foot by 6 foot canvas cot in the astrodome and see how much “better off” she feels. The cluelessness of these HaveMores can be daunting.

  2. Guillotine by Election. Damn right we should have class warfare. It's time for the peasants to wake and rise.
    Repeat after moi: universal healthcare universal healthcare universal healthcare universal healthcare.
    Barbara Bush is horrid — and her Spawn as well.

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