Agents, Patrons, Allies, Hotshots, Links
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Pogblog really wants to get the fables and
ToadSpawn, Be Gone! the Exorcizm of GeorgeBush from America's Soul also published in book form.
There is a great deal of material not on the blog.
I want to end up with the best blogsite in the galaxy.
If you can help with the agent or publisher book-publishing contacts
can donate time/expertise toward blog design
please email me at
Pogblog would be a book-tour dream come true. She is utterly, even otterly comfortable on tv. She’s done more than 70 of her own improv & fable performance shows. She’s a ‘natural,’ they say. Pogblog’s also available to lecture, to seminar – 50 or 50,000 people, no stage fright. It’s like those high-steel Mohawks who built the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Empire State building in New York City – no vertigo.
Patrons. From Shakespeare to Blake, once upon a time, individual artists were supported by patrons. Tho my drug of choice is air (the supply is constant; the price is right; the side effects benign), pogblog has (still) to eat food from the supermercado. If you’ve got spare small, large dosh or cash, please donate to pogblog so I can keep the blogsite going.
Allies. If you think you’ve got a good practical idea to share with pogblog about getting this stuff out & about, email Need all the help I can get.
Please tell as many people as possible about pogblog. (They can just enter pogblog in yahoo search).
And link to Below please find an invitation to pogblog that you can copy & paste into an email. Thank you for your help so much!
You are Invited to pogblog:
I would be honored if you’d forward this email to as many friends as possible with one caveat – as extremely delighted & keen as pogblog is about the treasures of our Planet, it is also extremely harsh about political and organized Religion hypocrisies, and if that would distress some friend, don’t send it to them. Otherwise, welcome to pogblog land & enjoy. (Unlike a lot of blogs, it isn’t only the top entry that counts – all the fables both brazen & gentle are relevant, & we recommend that you root thru them until you’ve read them all.) It would be so cool if you would Comment and/or Subscribe. Glad & grateful, pogblog
pogblog — at last!
“.. an alloy of platinum and plutonium, from fierce to lyrical, startlingly original, blissfully blasphemous,
pogblog will knock your socks off ..”
Do you champion
the separation of church & state?
Separation of state & Rove?
Do you hate the theo-fascism rising?
Are you curious about 22nd century
consciousness when lucid waking &
lucid dreaming will be integrated?
Check out the radical optimism, the obsidian hilarity, the gargoyle irony of pogblog.