President George Bush Gives His Foot to the War Effort
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George I (as in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Washington) actually led his troops into harms’ ways. George III, tho more indispensable than George I apparently – forfend we risk his hide, did decide, finally, on Christmas Day (CHRISTmas Day, by the way, you stupid heathen) to demonstrate the necessity and nobility of the Iraqian Cause & Course by chopping off one toe for each 500 dead & 500 mutilated. (A cumulative thousand per toe – not a toe for each 500. Of course, there are abundant mutilated to add to the sum.) (Americans, duh. Counting Iraqis is for yellow-bellied bleeding heart defeatists like Howard Dean. If it weren’t for Howard Dean, we would have had victory in Iraq already.)
George III doesn’t want people to think he is just shipping off mainly poor young men to the slaughter streets & yellow-brick IED roads.
No, no – tho he evaded Vietnam, he feels his noble responsibility as President is to walk – well, limp now – the talk. As of Dec 31, 2005, George III has gallantly contributed four & .356 toes to the noble Cause & Course.
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5 Cane . Ben . Reed . East . tzol 213 . 12.31.05 sat
ffwofw§26d2h33m11s33.84g3.25g; 1179;
the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..
.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead
OUch….I fear he'll run out of toes before he admits that his policy never had a leg to stand on.
None of these folks, Dick et Ilk, will suffer the slightest discomfort, sooth said. They are voyeurs of war.
I guess George III's career as a ballerina post-impeachment is not going to go well. I know it was his secret dream, but he'll never do au point now.
Of course, the dreams of a lot of the 16,000 U.S. wounded in Iraq won't come true either. (Not counting dead and wounded Iraqis' dreams because they don't, well, count.)
I should thank you, esfera, under this post for the fab vision of George III as thwarted ballerina. Brokefoot Mountains is the film perhaps? He gets to have dreams — even thwarted ones.
Yeah, CL, on reflection, I fear he'll get to a peg-leg before he admits he has no leg to stand on with his hideous little preemptive tantrum.