Holoscope .. the horoscope evolved

New today ..(Finally, friends — you've been asking & asking, so here it is.)


 Holoscope .. get tutored in the future. An holoscope is the horoscope evolved. A master reader in lucidity & life mastery writes very detailed insights particularly for you.  

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Some peoples minds-&-hearts are already quite fractal and some other folks want to keep LinearLand at least in sight, not over the horizon. I’m happy to accommodate either degree of adventure.


Short, medium, and long personal writings are available. Some phone consultations are available. Email pogblog@yahoo.com for fuller information and fees.


Some people also like the full-bore gallop of giga-vocabulary and some other people like to start with a more strolling translation of the more rambunctious words.  I do both. To me the point is to aid you in discovering the art you hide from yourself or which your daggone Inner Perfectionist keeps you from enjoying and daring as much as you gleefully might.


Email pogblog@yahoo.com for fuller information & phone number.


Jung said we should never discount astrology because it is the collected, accumulated wisdom of the ancients. And certainly in its blueprints of personality patterns, it is eerie and revealing. We assume that other folks will react and be struck as we are. Astrology shines some useful and significant lights on these varieties of response which are not like us. I treasure and am fascinated by these insights, by these revelations of the scripts off which we riff.


But we are coming into a more fractal, a more holospheric what would seem from now a controlled madness of experience where we become more conscious of our multi-dimensional selves. I haven't put out all the fables I've written on this yet, but if we look at ourselves from the future, we will make the transition to a lot more synapses firing in story and symphony ways with more relish and elegance and economy (in the sense of less flailing).


Your holoscope is a map for you of this transitional, alchemic time. 


I offer holoscopes to you in much the way that you might get a horoscope. Except that the holoscope is much more personal than Scorpio with Leo Rising  and is written by a master writer. You may also give an holoscope as a gift.


Email pogblog@yahoo.com for fuller information & phone number.


See below the info I can use to incorporate for the Long- Version Holoscope after you sign up for one.


The questions which ask for the following tidbits are deliberately only casually personal – like the kind of stuff you’d share at a coffee shop. But they really help me make a response to you that resonates with your own inner metaphor & story structures. They are familiar decoration – to make your holoscope story homey in a few unexpected particulars. Don’t think.  Play instead. This is not a test. Playful is better. Please don’t pretty up your answers to look more sophisticated or some such imaginary category. The point here is the quick truth.



Please note: Your identity is absolutely confidential with me. I am happy for you to be 100% anonymous if you wish. If in doing a holoscope reading for you, I tap a vein of ore which is generally useful, I definitely may explore that vein on pogblog, but not in any way that identifies you – you are like a confidential source in terms of your identity.


Whne you sign up for a Longer-Version Holoscope story, I'll ask you to give the quick answers to these. 


Your Holoscope Tidbits Profile
If you prefer to copy this & dump it into Word to put in the responses, just paste it back into the text of an email because I don’t open attachments.
Just a word or several will do for each category unless otherwise indicated. Generally put things in order of preference, but don’t fuss about the order. Be jolly. (I mean several [2-5] for all of these. &c = et cetera.) Roar through this without fussing yourself. Don’t fuss about formatting either. Just stick your answers in after the category & Put a period at the of a group. Sample: Favorite writing implement(s)/pencil; quill. Or in a List, underline the one you choose: Favorite snack is popcorn, pickles, stilton cheese with ginger & mango; in & out burger; tapioca pudding.
Do as much or as little as you like. It takes about 40 minutes. The more you do, the more immediate to you personally your holoscope will be & that’s the key difference between an holoscope & an horoscope – it’s a story for you yourself, not for every Scorpio with Leo rising.
Note: I will not use all or even most of the tidbits. But it’s handy to have them depending on where your reading goes.   
Several favorite musicians from past & present/. Several favorite singers/. Favorite types of music/. Favorite foods, not desserts/. Favorite desserts/. Favorite landscape in order (ocean; mountains; desert; prairie &c/). Favorite dramatic movies/. Favorite comedies/. If you do theater, several favorite plays or playwrights/. Favorite musical/. Guilty pleasure movies (eg surfing movies &c). The best movie of all time/. Favorite artists/. Favorite scientist/. Favorite science (even if you’re lousy at it)/.
    Do you tend to harken to the past or to the present or to the future/. Greatest two invention of the 20th century/. What’s your favorite gadget/.  2-5 favorite sayings/. Several favorite phrases (e.g. unquenchable enthusiasm; skunks stink)/.
    Do you tend to think of yourself as more scientific, artistic, practical, dreamy/. Favorite sports to do (even if you don’t do them any more)/. Favorite teams as a fan/. Like, love, adore sports/. Disdain, despise sports/ Favorite ‘good’ books/. Favorite guilty pleasure books/. Favorite childhood books/. 3 favorite colors in order/. Go to museums/. Favorite museums/. Favorite movies stars from the past/. Favorite movie stars from the present/. All-time favorite guy actor/. All time favorite woman actor/.
    Favorite eras in order (ancient, medieval, 18th c, now, future, other)/. Favorite animals/. Favorite birds/. Favorite junk or comfort food/. Favorite trees/.
    When you are sad, do you get better by going off by yourself, chatting with family or friends, going for a drive, playing a sport, watching TV/. Favorite TV programs past/. Favorite TV programs recent/. What news channel do you watch most/. Favorite childhood stories, books/. Scariest childhood story or type of story/. Favorite childhood characters, human or not (from stories, movies, &/or books)/. Favorite pet(s)/. Have pet(s)/. Names of pets/. Favorite childhood pet(s) & name if you had a pet/.
     Are you a day person (when you have a choice)/. Or a night person/. In a fantasy story, you would be ————/. (princess, queen, prince, king, astronaut, intrepid explorer, baseball player, &c) Favorite historical heroes or famous figures/. Most hated feared historical figure (other than Hitler)/. Feared or hated fictional character/. Desert island book – the one book to take with you/. Favorite gem stone/.
     Birth date & year, place, time/. If you know your sign/. Rising sign/. Moon sign/. Are you an optimist, pessimist, cynic/. Your political party/. Is politics somewhat or very or extremely important to you/. Favorite political figures, past & recent/. Your favorite president/. Your least favorite president/. Most inspirational figures real or fictional/.
   Key qualities of your best friend/. Several favorite holidays/. The kind of art you like (painting, sculpture, architecture &c/.) Are you a loner or do you like to be around with friends or family/. Favorite comic book hero/. Your Religion or Spiritual path/. What was your childhood Religion/. Are you lapsed or rebelled or devout/. Most inspirational female figure, male figure/. What name do you wish you had that is not your own/. If you were a hero in an adventure book, what kind of hero would you be/. If you had a Native American name, what would you like it to be/.
     Most pressing area of concern in your life/. If you won a billion dollars, what would you do with some of it for fun/. If you gave some to a charity or organization, which one/.
    If you could start a very cool school in anything (not to make a living, but to share a passion), what would that school be/.
    Present or recent job/. Dream job/. On vacation if you really had a choice, you’d be active, indulge in sloth, other/. Where is your favorite country to visit or that you would wish to visit if you could travel/. Do you travel often/. Where/. Games you like to play/. Favorite childhood game/. Hobbies/. Do you draw/. If you could be anyone not yourself, real or fictional, anytime in history, who would it be/.
    Are you quiet, serious, funny, cheerful, morose &c/. Please pick 5 adjectives to describe yourself/. What is one of your very best qualities/. What is one of your very worst qualities/. If you had a magic wand, what is the one thing you’d change about yourself/. Your favorite flowers/. Married, single, divorced, living with someone, dating, limbo/.
    What kind of phrase would you use to describe your more secret self (Incurable Romantic; Visionary; Happy Sloth; eat Ice Cream & read Books; Other/.)
    If you are doing this anonymously, please give me a name or handle I can use to speak to you with/. Or even if I know your name, let me know if you’d prefer in your holoscope that I use another name or handle/.
    Please ask one-three (quick is fine) questions that will guide the shape of my holoscope for you/. Tell me your reason for wanting a holoscope – general curiosity; tonic; cosmic peptalk; relationship woes or growth; job/life direction; electroshock to a stagnant system; exploration of quantum & holospheric future; wild psychic adventure; all of the above; who knows; other/.
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Readings & Educational Services Available
t Holoscope, the horoscope evolved.
t Quantum College Junior Year Not-Abroad/Masters /PhD
.. change your life to a degree just short of unbearable joy.
I will take up to five students of any age between 16 & 96 years old for a Quantum College Junior Year Not-Abroad. Certain people may wish to embark on a Quantum Masters Program. Upon which could follow a PhD.
What would this be about? Read all of pogblog’s Archives and you will get the drift – except designed to hone your passions. Or discover them.
I have been lucky enough to have lived an astonishing life. I’ve been a teacher for much of it. I would like to offer intensive tutoring in how to be on fire and stay sane.
None of this would count for Accreditation in your Usual School. It would change your life or your kid’s life to a degree of just short of unbearable raw joy. That’s the degree. Not widely available.

Please email me for brochure at pogblog@yahoo.com.   
These are a few of the unsolicited testimonials from my TV students of every age, gender, race, and creed whom I taught from 2000-2005. They are too kind by far, but they are from the people I immediately affected. These gentle words are from my community TV students all the way from 16 years old to 83 years old.
You have touched so many lives and been such a huge part of the success of people’s programs and the Station's national awards. Your dedication and special magic are an inspiration and support to all who come near your amazing teacher’s heart.  Mary J.
…for you personally and for all of us who cherish the idea and possibility of community TV and cherish you because it was you who instilled a love for it in us. You, who introduced to us the intimacy of a camera. From those of us you trained and always nurture. Roy H.
I will always remember the fun time I had in your class. youpassion and excitement are wonderful rare qualities, and I was blessed to be touched by them. Sheila M.
I have worked with many creative people across the US and internationally. You are certainly a jewel and have made remarkable contributions to the creative work of your lucky students.  Kim S.
We have a flame that needs to burn, and with your inspiration it will not be extinguished. Ray S.

You are a nonstop teacher whose wisdom pours out with such ease. Teaching and coaching are your greatest talent and virtue. You serve as an icon to personal integrity. Pat F.
Your skill, dedication and knowledge inspire me. Thank you for your motivation for everything, especially to get my show off the ground. Without that it could not have started. Arun P.
I loved listening to everything you taught me in the class, you brought so much light, wisdom, laughter and care to what you were doing with us. You are a kind, compassionate, passionate, charming, intelligent, magical, enlightening, fun, woman who has blessed my life with the life you share with me and the rest of us fortunate people who you blessed with your class. When I think of you, I think of what a great speaker and teacher you are and how I can possibly help you to share that with more people. Tia T.
You’re the best teacher ever. I wish somebody had told me to leave my Inner Perfectionist in Fiji 50 years ago! Joan H.
You are a gem of generosity, understanding and hope. Your good-hearted, good-humored character and skills inspire our whole class to take creative risks. Thank you! James C.
You are a treasure for community TV! You are full of love and life and I feel privileged that you are on this whirling, precious mudball.  Richard G.
You've served as a personal role model for me. I have never seen anyone throw themselves into their work with such obvious dedication and passion for their work as you do. Stan N.

4 thoughts on “Holoscope .. the horoscope evolved

  1. I'll email you about this because I'm interested in a light shone that throws a shadow so I can see more about the shape of where I might proceed? In an odd way we are always at noon within ourselves. It's very hard to get an angle of view on our own being. At noon, I should say, or in the dark.
    I'm interested in your sonar, as it were. What a gift you're offering to share, that radiant pogblog eloquence. I look forward to it.

  2. Thanks for the kind words, iotasiotas. I'm very somersaulting about having this set up now. I have a dozen people I've been doing holoscopes for for a long time on a regular basis, but now I've got it arranged so I can offer the holoscopes to any pogblog reader. Is cool.

  3. Mr. pogblog,
    do you maybe have a sample Holoscope we could see? It's not for me, it's for my friend Karl. I can't tell you his last name because he's got to go in front of some grand jury soon…
    Anyway, he likes the color pumpkin, he likes politics, he's very nice in person, doesn't really listen to music, favorite book was Unfit for Command.

  4. A lot on pogblog is a kind of holoscope re Karl. Do a Search (lower-middle left of Main Page) for 'Karl' & see the withering info The Blue cast up on the bleak sand of Mr. Rove's karmic beach.
    As there has never been a more sleazily evil man than Mr. Rove, willing to hurt people in a vulgar way merely to aggrandize power, his outlook is grim.
    Luckily for the rest of us, we have never achieved that distillation of evil so have a lot more interesting prospects which can be explored and enlivened with holoscopes.

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