Ask Dr. Druid . Days 2 + 3
Treasure Hunt: clues
This piece will grok better for you if you read it
with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]
Underlying all of our 66-day adventure is the notion of the treasure hunt. As you practice your turning attention into fascination, everyanything could be a clue. One word and one 30 seconds changed my life utterly. You have to be deftly alert.
In our pursuit of happiness – untarnishable, portable riches, riches you can take with you — we’ll be learning, like breathing, how to learn, how to unclench the mind, how to be willing to be in kindergarten.
So, today, set yourself the general fond task of recognizing that you are in a treasure hunt, that there will always be clues left for you — often in the most unexpected places.
The way I personify the cosmicomic script writers who are writing the Jeegoo, the Vuravura, the Earth play is to recognize Fat E who is often belligerent, moody, cataclysmically bizarre and fascinating. She out-soap-operas any mere mortal imagination. She is exquisite and tasteless at once. My particular cosmipal I dub The Blue, Le Bleu, El Azul. He sends me presents out of the blue. Once I got on to this treasure hunt trick, the clues and the presents were abundant. The Blue is silly and darkly funny.
You’ll find your own strange lifefellows. I can only recommend that you go idiosyncratic. If you rely on the stale-ish archetypes that the Religions invented, you’ll get some amplification from the psychic rut that history has worn by hordes and herds of believers, but you’ll lose the tender and terrifying immediacy of your own cosmic pal.
As to Fat E, she belongs to us all. One of the psyche mistakes many big Religions made was to separate God and the Devil, leaving us all to be secretly profoundly baffled by how ghastly things can get. Could God do that?! And then we have to twist our minds to justify the ways of a rotten God to man. Fat E is clearly mad and brilliant, both beyond comprehension.
Anyhow, put on your treasure-hunt glasses. Break a leg.
‘everyanything’ is from ee cummings;
‘Break a leg’ is the honored, backhanded way to wish luck to superstitious actors who quaver if you wish them luck directly.
Jeegoo & Vuravura are other names for Earth.
Some people have called Fat E, Fate.
One word & one 30 seconds changed my life utterly, butterly, otterly.
‘Justify the ways of God to man’ is Milton & Housman.
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Day 3 .. manypoem place
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]
On our treasure hunt, it is handy to have poetry eyes. Some people say we live in a universe. I have found where we dwell to be a multiverse. Multi-verse = many-poem. I like to call our multiverse the many-poem-place. Manypoem fits for the artist’s eyes of attention you’ll develop. So, one of your treasure hunt tools is your poetry eyes. You begin to notice the staggering art through which you walk. As you transform your perception self, manypoem’s artistry surrounds and astounds you.
Remember again today to be eclectic, choosing the best from all possible sources. The more you admire, the more treasures you’ll discover. One of the mistakes a lot of my next-age friends make is to prefer nature over man’s works. In addition, say, to being enchanted by gold-bellied finches, I myself am also devoted to ‘hard roads,’ for instance. I grew up about 10 miles of dirt roads out of town on a dairy farm. In January and February the roads turned to red-clay swamp glue. We were all thrilled when the hard roads came in and our cows’ milk didn’t spoil because we were trapped behind road moats of deep sucking mud.
Watch out for the prejudice to the pretty. You may prefer the pretty, even suffer from a sentimental, creeping normanrockwellism, but you can be fascinated by the revolting as well. Bon voyage.
image from andy goldsworthy, rowan;
Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;
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the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..
.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead ..
thanks Doctor Druid. I'm just three days in and looking forward to the next 85.
I am treasure hunting as we speak. Pogblog is a treasure, to be sure.
Along the way tell us more about why we're dividing our adventure into AllElse before studying the Druid techniques for People. And more about why increased attention is nourishing rather than tiring.
Thanks cl. Briefly, snopes, moving from Model A to a Maserati with your perception of AllElse gives you the octane & quantity of energy that will sustain taking on the much more complex adventure of People, who, however fascinating, are seldom merely what they wish to seem. This can baffle &/or hurt the heck out of you unless you have the unrustable companionship of AllElse.
As you learn the tricks of attention and fascination, you can be a tad disconcerted by all the new energy available, but that passes quickly into glee. I will talk about that much more.
You seem to be able to combine an intensely personal immediacy with almost a reporter's neutrality.
Thanks for the visit, esfera. You nailed the trick. I think of it as serial attachment. You're 100% deftly attached until it's time to move on. And you're always sherlocking the mystery of everything. Because (cf Blake & universe in a grain of sand), it's always even more of a mystery than you can possibly grok whatever it is. You grok all you can tho.