Dimensions of a Perfect Protest Sign .. Army-of-One Protesting

Have Protest Sign Will Travel .. draft

the pro-peace world starts today with you

You do not have to wait for some formal Protest March tho I go to those too as I can. Start your own army-of-one micro-protest march today.

As of 10.03.05, me & my Teach Peace Sign have been out doing our peace-abouts for 1090 days in a row. . It only felt foolish the first day.

The dimensions of the perfect Protest Sign that will work best for your protest over the longhaul. My 16″x18″ Teach Peace sign is on a 4' 7″ stick (stick = 1 ¼ ” x ½ “),

The reason for these dimensions is that they fit in your own space if you are on public transportation, going into a store, or putting the sign across the back seat of your car. The sign clears your head as you walk with the end of the stick cradled in you hand.

I used a kind of colored (apricot for some reason) mat board — the kind of stuff you get at an art store. After lettering, these twopieces of matboard got stapled back to back all around the edges.

 I used black magic marker to do the letters which I'd pencilled in. Best to have just simple big letters. People are mostly driving past youand don't have timeto read or see any little decorative stuff. I picked the words Teach Peace because of the sentiment, and because of the size of the words. (I love a statement like Power to the Peaceful, but it won't workona daily sign  — too many letters.) 

Have sign awareness at all times. Be aware of whether the sign is up-right enough for people walking towards you to read it. If you're standing on a street corner, think about the angle of you sign towards the on-coming traffic.

Before you go into a store,  turn your sign upside down!

Waving at & getting eye-contact with each passing car is advanced, but it increases your impact immensely.

Some Talking Point Tidbits. I stay relentlessly on message. Get your rap down & say the same brief thing to everyone. They've never heard it before. So you should make it brand new and impassioned for them each time. (I use the html here so you can just paste them in a comment on another blog.)

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> 

<b>In my continuing fight against TheoFascism</b>, I have been using two numbers to great effect:


'As we speak, we are speading <b>$14000 a minute</b> on the fantasy Missile Crackpot Scheme aka Star Wars and <b>$200,000 a minute</b> on the Iraq QuagQuicksand Debacle.'


Also useful is to remind people is that one billion dollars is 1000 million dollars. ('A billion' is what I call a <i>dirigible word</i>. It is one of something that seems to float teflonally up there somewhere. 1000 million shocks people.)


I go back to the hell-years of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Vietnam when we heard the <i>identical</i> garbage about Vietnamization. I've stood by the Wall at midnight and seen by haunted moonlight what we paid for <i>that</i> hallucination.


<b>“We live here. We would have fought you for 300 years if need be.”</b> That’s what Ho Chi Minh, winning Vietnamese leader, said. Remember that figment Vietnamization? It didn’t work. 


<i>Iraqiazation will not work.</i>


<b>They have a 300 year supply of cheap explosives and young men willing to die.</b> They live there.


What delusion allows any one to think it will get better?


My neighbor's 24 year-old son got his whole head blown off in Iraq.

Support our troops by Bringing Them Home Now.


It is not going to get better.

Who wants to be the last soldier to die in Iraq for a mistake?


If you know an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of rage for justice, rage for peace material, please let me know at .. pogblog@yahoo.com
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the pro-peace world begins today with you

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