Memogate .. actions, &, horribly, hope .. new link

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> 06.17.05 dawn //06.18.05

   Gosh, pogblog is severely undernapped. Ended up staying up all night watching the Conyers hearings and doing actions re Memogate.

   I’ll tell you more later, but in a thimble, Memogate is the building effort to start a Resolution of Inquiry wherein the Big Lies of the BushWhackos leading up to the Unnecessary War would be examined under oath and with subpoena power.

  The “Memos” are minutes of  high-level meetings leaked by some Brit deepthroat. The key being that the Memos say in living print that the intel should be “fixed” to fit the policy – months before they claimed they made the war decision.




Hit the e-pavement for a while and look for ‘conyers hearing’ news items. The more this stuff gets clicked, the higher up the food chain it’ll bubble. If you, as an example, clik News on Google Search page, put conyers hearing in the search box, hit enter, and you’ll go to that news.


06.18.05 I just revisted Michael's site.

The Michael Moore site is brilliant in so many ways. They have a place where you can send an email that goes to all your very own Senate/House reps. It's bloody magic. It allows you toinclude a Comment to them. Ye owls, it's terrific. Go there or be square!

My blurb:
John Kennedy was shot on my birthday. It *matters* to me that our country is honorable. We must shine light on the Big Lies that led us into <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Iraq so we can get on with the single payer health care; multinational planet care; and a global human wage. (We should require by law that any elected official live on minimum wage and take public transportation for one week of every month of their term.)


Investigate the Downing Street Memos. Have the hearings in the basement room. Have them on the lawns in front of the Capitol if you must. (We should raise money online to help if necessary.) We must not be bamboozled by the Big Lies any more ever. Thank you.




sign petition at [Petition is on the left column of page, 4th button down.]


Contact your representative re impeachment also at


Here’s some contacts pog made last night., the aggressive progressives


    I'm in California & still up at dawn. Oh, how I hate hope. I have hope this morning that Memogate may be the chink in the armor at LAST. And then we can get after a human wage; single payer health care; multinational planet care; & etc.

     I'm not sure I can stand the nerverackingness of hope. These 12ft lizards-in-human-disguise, as pogblog likes to satirize them, are so cunning. I thought nixon was bad; I thought reagan was bad. Nah, they were merely Minor League. These folks own menace. 

   Gosh I hope Memogate can get traction. THANKS for all you do. Stay strong.


=============== —

Dear David,

I know you're swamped. I'll be quick.

   I'm submitting to join the coalition.

   I suppose my biggest credential is that John Kennedy was shot on my birthday and that makes one profoundly political for a lifetime, trust me. Now I have that lifetime of experience as a grassroots political organizer, teacher of community tv, and political satirist.

   Pogblog supplies distilled good sense in an Absolut Venom mode. We supply a lot of Vitamin Irony and Vitamin Droll for the activist. Trenchant are us. There are political activists who need some comic fuel to keep their spirits bright. Tho brutally funny, pogblog is never cynical.

    I would love to join you. I think Memogate may be the chink in the armor at last. I have some very concrete ideas about progressives using community tv. But more on that later.

    Please enjoy the following vivifying confection from pogblog's Glossary:

LQ .. Lizard Quotient: If we say that Mr. Cheney’s LQ, or Lizard Quotient, is the platinum standard, a perfect 100, the Grand Imperial Lizard, the benchmark, then the rest of the Lizard Cabal ranks down in scalyness from that apogee.         

      When in the USofA Inc Nation, our Emperor George is defrocked in your insight, in her insight, in his insight, one by one we will see clearly that the ghastliness is that his naked scalyness is revealed. It’s like the Gorgon of yore, if you glance upon the unclothed Lizard, you may turn to stone. You will certainly be petrified. Better to keep your rose-colored glasses on. 


[This makes you queasy? Goes too far? What is far? Pogblog didn’t blow up any kids today on your behalf.]


Stay strong, David.




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6-16-05  3 Owl . Cib . Vulture  tzolkin 16

ff 587

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4 thoughts on “Memogate .. actions, &, horribly, hope .. new link

  1. Why not just reactivate his national guard unit and send him to help secure roads on the Syrian border along with his twin daughters?
    After a few months, you stop loss the unit….then ask him about the decision to invade Iraq.
    If someone can identify a single member of the Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld families who is currently serving in Iraq, I'd like to hear about it.

  2. Yes, an excellent idea! reactivate the National Guard Unit where our Emperor served so nobly. It stirs the Patriotic Bosom (clad of course) to be reminded of His service to the nation. And Souza played on.
    When we require, by ironyclad law, our sodding Elected Officials to live one week a month on minimum wage and one week a month take public transportation, the EmperorNatGuardUnit Reactivation will not sunset. What could possibly be the slither out of why the Twins are not in uniform? The surhypocrisy (coined this second!) surboggles the mind. This whole tyranny of the 12ftLizards makes me sursurly.
    //Why does anyone imagine that the drip drip drip of the Iraqi suicide bombing torture will ever stop? Declare victory and leave.

  3. What a rich fantasy world. Bush will have no comeuppance. You won't even get an article of impeachment on the calendar. If the sheeple didn't care about Bush invading Iraq, the failure to find WMD, the shunning of the international community, you think a Memo written by Brits is going to push them over the edge? Keep stewing…

  4. Drake, Drake, take your meds. Come along back to your havemore designer rubber room quietly while we pipe ubersoothing larrywhelk over your intercom and show you flashcards of mormanrockwell Saturday Eveing post covers.
    The sheeples are no longer in a full rampaging lemmingsheeps herd hurtling their tiny furry bodies in a gridlock of stampeding fur towards the Moral Let's Blow Up More Babies In the Name of Freedom Cliff mode, if I may be hegelian in my compound word construction. No, the bloodlust has cooled. 'Oh say can you see the flagcovered coffins?' Little lemming bodies are coming home in flagcovered coffins and the Souza music isn't drowning out the screeeams in mothers' dreams so much any more. Dizzguzt is rising slowly like pus filling up a boil.
    The sheeples are tough. They can take nagasakian blasts of surhypocrisy without blanching. (You wrote a succinct list.) They like Moral Certainty, however. Clouds of doubt are mushrooming stormily on the horizon. A hard rain's gonna fall. The lemmingsheep herd may well turn.
    Sick of the larrywhelk, are you, Drake? We can do you some barrymanilow.

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